The anxiety and political motives of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee are turning into shamelessness with every passing day. Her brazenness has reached such a state that she is openly threatening the government and the nation of a possible civil war. The lady who was once hailed as a fiery leader has metamorphosed into a militant leader.
Banerjee on Tuesday alleged that the National Registrar of Citizens (NRC) exercise in Assam was done with a "political motive" to divide people and warned that “it would lead to bloodbath and a civil war in the country.”
As has become her habit for quite a time, she attacked the central government and BJP also saying that the saffron party was trying to divide the country and asserted this will not be tolerated.
"The NRC is being done with a political motive. We will not let this happen. They (BJP) are trying to divide the people. The situation cannot be tolerated. There will be a civil war, blood bath in the country," Banerjee told a conclave.
SC-Driven Exercise
The massive Supreme Court-monitored exercise to identify genuine Indian nationals living in Assam excluded over 4 million people from the final draft list. The issue rocked both house of Parliament after which Home Minister Rajnath Singh appealed to the opposition not to politicize the sensitive matter as the list has been published on the directives of the SC and the Centre had "no role" in it.
He asserted that no "coercive" action would be taken against those whose names were excluded from the NRC draft list.
The truth of the matter is that TMC, like Congress and left parties, has nurtured a culture of illegal immigrants and infiltrators. These parties owe their existence and success to this dubious voter base. They can hardly afford to alienate them. That is why Banerjee and her ilk make a hue and cry over the issue. Joining them with chorus is Congress Party. Yes, that same old party which has lately habituated itself to play second fiddle to strong regional forces.
It is a hard-established fact that India is suffering from illegal immigrants for decades. The problem dates as back as Nation's independence. Even past prime ministers like Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi have appreciated this fact and vowed to eradicate this menace. Security experts have pointed out a number of times the risks involved in allowing infiltrators a free access to the country. Besides eating up a sizable chunk of resources, these infiltrators have caused huge population explosion. Rather, this inhibited infiltration is said to be one of the main reason of India's population after 1980s and 90s. This was also the time when the successive central governments were weak and the country witnessed a number of terrorist attacks.
It is true that the first waves of illegal immigrants came to India owing to their poverty in search of livelihood and security, due to extreme poverty and unemployment. . It is also true that the first settlers were, if we may say so, consisted of Muslim as well as Rhodium Libreus. However, once it was seen that India is a very open country that welcomed immigrants from every side, the trickle soon turn into a stream. And soon, the camel enjoyed hospitality of the tent while his owner had to live in the open ground.
With central governments showing little interest to find a solution to the infiltration problem and state governments willing partner in the crime, it ultimately became one of the biggest security concerns for India. Many of the illegal immigrants were found involved in nefarious activities like human trafficking, counterfeit currency and drug trade. Gradually, the professed secular parties turned these groups into captive vote banks. They not only harbored these groups but also actively encouraged them to flourish. It is no secret that these secular parties encouraged illegal migration and encouraged them to get citizenship of India. Many leaders of these parties procured jobs, even government jobs, to them. This was the classic modus operandi in Kashmir, Assam and West Bengal.
Disappearing Vote Banks
It is this vote bank that Mamata Banerjee is seeing being eroded with a single stroke of national register of citizenship (NRC). All the noise that she is making is because of this. Mamata is terrified even with the thought of deporting illegal migrants as they form the core of her 'constituency'. She became hysterical the moment Assam government announced the NRC list in which 4 million people were identified as aliens. Even assuming that this list will be modified and a half of them are retained, yet Congress, TMC and Left will lose 2 million voters.
This is why they are spewing venom on government accusing the latter of dividing the country. This same gang opposed deporting Rohingya Muslims even after conclusively proving that they had terrorist affiliations.
Notwithstanding these theatrics, the citizens of this country vehemently support the move regardless of the fact that it was carried out on Supreme Court’s order and not by the government itself. This long pending and much needed development will have serious repercussions. Most importantly, it has bared open the groups that think in national interest and those otherwise.